• Made in Brittany

  • Easy to cook

  • Plant-based

  • Additive free

  • Organic certified

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  • Product information

    • Bag: 10g, 50g and 100g
    • Origin: Brittany, France and Japan
    • Storage: 24 months dry
  • Preparation tips

    To sprinkle, rehydrate or infuse.

  • Uses

    To sprinkle on all your dishes: vegetables, fish, rice and soups. To incorporate into your sauces, vinaigrettes, marinades, broths and butter.

  • Range

    • Seaweeds: Sea lettuce, Suji Aonori, Wakame, Sugar Kelp, Sea bean, Dulse, Nori
    • Seaweed mixtures on request
    • Particle sizes: flakes, powders, filament
    • Packaging: 10g, 50g and 100g, 1kg
    • Other seaweed and particle sizes on request
    • Other packaging on request


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